2024 :  Billy Horn, Vokalwerk Hannover, D‘Hanna‘M, Beige Fish

           Claudia Cane & Andreas Kümmert, Changing Black, A Poets Dream,           

           Mad Man‘s Spirit, Rock And Roll Junkie, Hans Westermeier

2023 :  A Poets Dream, Billy Horn, Rock And Roll Junkie, Ivy Gold,

           Claudia Cane, Wesley Plass, D‘Hanna‘M, Down Sirion,

           H. Westermeier, Undercover Lover, Mad Man‘s Spirit

2022 :  Avacha, Rock And Roll Junkie, Peter Ahlberg (S), Haindling, 

           Billy H., Changing Black, Blue Ruin (NZ), Hans Westermeier,

           D‘Hanna‘M, Shameless, Undercover Lover, Tame The Abyss,

           Grap!, A Poets Dream, Julian Wunderlich

2021 :  Eternal Flame, Avacha, D‘Hanna‘M, Label Z, Shameless,

           Julian Taylor, Monaco Co., Billy Machine, Scorpion‘s Symphonic,

           Blue Ruin (NZ), Hotspur, Peter Ahlberg (S), Bottom Of This,

           The Riggest, Rock And Roll Junkie, GRAP!, Peter Schneider

2020 :  D‘Hanna‘M, Julian Taylor, Beige Fish, Peter Ahlberg (S),

           Rock And Roll Junkie, Billy Horn, Waht Mahalla, Shameless,

           Slick Rock Circus, Sängerin Lila, Powerage, Sofia Gadain,

           Bottom Of This, Monaco Co., Peter Schneider

2019 :  Sara Sucks, Nina Schiegl, Alex Svojanovsky, D‘Hanna‘M,

           Sängerin Lila, Peter Ahlberg (S), Graham Lack, Da Boanad,

           Haindling, Blank Weinek, Spirit Of Vedanta, Peter Stickler,

           Techtlmechtl, Billy Horn, Raven Henley, All My Monsters

2018 :  D‘Hanna‘M, Blank Weinek, Nina Schiegl, Apple JacX, Heinlein,

           Les Grands Grattleurs, Sam Alex, Blue Ruin (New Zealand),

            Peter Stickler, Claudia Cane, Pietro B., Günther Valerien, Kopfeck,

           No Destination, Grap!, Silverfish, Jana Lanka, Hannen Alks

2017 :  Claudia Cane, D‘Hanna‘M, Baby Please, Undercover Lover,

           Starkstrom, Billy Machine, Jana Lanka, Shameless (USA),

           Trinity Boys Choir (UK), Skanners (Italy), e-Sixt, Stinger,

           Josef Hien, Beige Fish, Silverfish, Kopfeck, Blank Weinek

2016 :  ZuLauT, Cherie Currie & Suzi Quatro (USA), Raygun Rebels,   

           Tölzer Knaben Chor, Shameless, Eternal Flame, D‘Hanna‘M, 

           Peter Wolf, Vanessa Mai, Screaming Nightmare, Josef Hien

2015 : Hammerschmitt, Beige Fish, Rockasperity, UK‘s Homage,            

           White Dolphins, D‘Hanna‘M, Brass Knuckle Boogie, Sara Sucks,            

           Undercover Lover, Peter Wolf, Acoustic Relation, Thursday@8,

           Eddy Winter Project, Glam Gang, Haindling rehearsals

2014 : VanCoover, Da Boanad, Bremsspur, Sam Alex, Thursday@8,

           Jana Lanka, Peter Wolf, Extra 3, Aris Aristofanous, Chiron, Maxim

2013 : Bent Not Broken, Shameless (USA), Günter Valerien, 

           Hammerschmitt, Zeitbrecher, Georgio Farina‘s LL Project, 

           Die Wölfe, Jana Lanka, Mars & The Orbiters, Bremsspur,

           LustfingeR, Diabolos Dust

2012 : Reason To Rock, Greenhouse, Sam Alex, Munich Blue Notes,

           Laneslide (I/USA), The London „Trinity Boys Choir“ (GB), Glam Gang,

           Lustfinger, Bent Not Broken, Mark Tarmonea, Feline Melinda (I),

           Mad Man‘s Spirit,  Van Coover, Nina Van Horn (USA), Van Coover

2011 : CC/DC, Bent Not Broken, Brass Knuckle Boogie, Schagai (MGL),

           Shameless (USA), Mars & The Orbiters, Sara Sucks, Steve Willey (USA)

2010 : Right To Silence (I), Easy Licks, Bonfire, Munich Belle, Gsindl, Jess

2009 : Braxnmax, Richmond, VanCoover, Livewire, Number 9, Zeitbrecher

2008 : Rock Society, M.A.D., Brunorock (I), Barbara Clear

2007 : Feline Melinda (I), Brunorock (I), Sustain Damage, United Crash

2006 : W.A.S.P. (USA), Heads Up!, Faro, Dan Lucas, LustfingeR

2005 : Shulk, She Said Alright, Anemo, T.Turner Band

2004 : Boogie Stuff (A), Brunorock (I), Sphinx, Bad Jokers (I), L.A. Satellites

2003 : Sam Alex, Linie 1 (dt. Musical), Gsindl, Bonfire, Affair

2002 : Bonfire Live, De La Force, Boogie Stuff (A), Sela, Circle Of Pain

2001 : Hammerschmitt, Brunorock (I), Powerage (Live), Gsindl

2000 : Dogtag, Serum, Boogie Stuff, Alex Dechert, Circle Of Pain

1999 : Powerage, Cherry Moon (I), Vacancy, Tipsy Slut

1998 : Cherry Moon (I), Skanners (I), Hotwire, Gsindl

1997 : Frontline, Gnadenlos, Sabu (USA), Powerage, Affair

1996 : Pierrot, Abi von Reininghaus, Avalon, Big Apple, Bonfire

1995 : Heike Schoch, Zar, Cherry Moon (I), Hotwire, Aris Aristofanous

1994 : Bonfire, Chroming Rose, Demon Drive, M.T. Eyes, Othello,        

           Powerage, Parmesan, Thunderbirds, Toss´N`Turn

1993 : Dynasty, Striker, Frontline, Heike Schoch, The Public, Sieges Even

1992 : Avalon , Combo, Lisa Fitz, Boysvoice

1991 : Lustfinger, Attack / Wesley Plass, Boysvoice

1990 : A.L.I. (Ali Halmatoglu Band), Bonfire

1989 : Pole Position, Cathouse, Affair

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